Originally released limited in 2006, "The Hell I've Created" is the first album by Shawn Martin. The album contains entirely of instrumental tracks which some have been remade into full songs with lyrics on his vocal albums. This album is a special edition reissue containing all the tracks except "The Man." However, there are two previously unreleased instrumentals taking it's spot.
The Hell I've Created - Shawn Martin - 06/07/10 - Instrumental Rock - SR71 Records
All music composed and recorded by Shawn Martin
Engineered, mastered and edited by Shawn Martin
Recorded in, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Album originally released November 27, 2006 by Mantissa Records.
All tracks composed and recorded in 2006, except;
"Long Forgotten" composed and recorded in 2008, and;
"In My Own Defense" composed and recorded in 2010
"Sadistic" also appears on the album Deoxide
"Hurt. Damage. Devastate." also appears on the album Monoxide in a shortened form.
"3 to the Power of 3" and "Self-Centered" appears on the album Monoxide as "Word Described by a Letter" with lyrics.
"(I Am) Crazy" appears on the album Deoxide as "Crazy for You" with lyrics.
"Now This is Insane" appears on the album Monoxide as "Throwing Out the Trash" with lyrics.
"Hell Maze" also appears on the album Deoxide with lyrics.
All music composed using FL Studio
All music mixed, edited and mastered using GoldWave
Engineered, mastered and edited by Shawn Martin
Recorded in, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Album originally released November 27, 2006 by Mantissa Records.
All tracks composed and recorded in 2006, except;
"Long Forgotten" composed and recorded in 2008, and;
"In My Own Defense" composed and recorded in 2010
"Sadistic" also appears on the album Deoxide
"Hurt. Damage. Devastate." also appears on the album Monoxide in a shortened form.
"3 to the Power of 3" and "Self-Centered" appears on the album Monoxide as "Word Described by a Letter" with lyrics.
"(I Am) Crazy" appears on the album Deoxide as "Crazy for You" with lyrics.
"Now This is Insane" appears on the album Monoxide as "Throwing Out the Trash" with lyrics.
"Hell Maze" also appears on the album Deoxide with lyrics.
All music composed using FL Studio
All music mixed, edited and mastered using GoldWave
© 2006-2010 SR71 Records
Published by Solar Red Publishing
Published by Solar Red Publishing